Three Tips to Simplify Your Web Design

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This goes without saying….simplicity rules!

It will make your web design look modern and sleek, reduce any confusion in navigation, and help achieve your desired results.

Yet more often than not, this basic element of web design seems so elusive and no matter how much you try, it seems impossible to make your website work like that of Apple or Microsoft.

Although you could go online to do some research on web design, better yet - just continue on reading here to get some really great points on how to simplify your web design!

Focus on Essential Elements

But you knew that already right?

Regardless, it is surprising at the number of sites that fail to achieve and end up with unimportant web design elements all over the pages.

This happens primarily because you fail to prioritize what is essential and important to you.

Just like any piece of art, identify your focus first.

Apply the 80-20 Rule

What is the 80-20 Rule?

20% of what is on your site’s page will provide 80% content and value of what the visitors are seeking.

It could be some social proof, a button call to action, or sign up form for instance.

On your site, you should focus on displaying only 20% of the elements that will deliver 80% of the content and value.

It is not a technical web design step but a principle that will guide you to simplifying your site.

Reduce the Number of Pages

A large part of simplifying your web design is to cut down on the number of pages that you have.

The fewer places people have to explore or click around, the simpler your site will get.

You could fuse some sites or get rid of the ones that you know for sure you can do without.

There you have, a primer on web design simplicity and effectiveness - hope you enjoy this and find it helpful!